Arts, A/V technology & Communications

BSSRO are proved designing, producing, exhibiting, performing, writing, and publishing multi-media content including visual and performing arts and design, journalism, and entertainment services etc .

Express Yourself!

People usually think about entertainment industry jobs when they first hear about Arts, A/V Technology and Communications. However, this Career planner offers many other opportunities to express you in a variety of communications and technology fields. In the performing arts, you will find actors, musicians, and dancers, of course. And you will find producers, directors, and choreographers. But there wouldn’t be a show without specialists such as lighting and sound technicians, set designers and builders, camera operators and videographers, installers, engineers, and technicians. In the business, non-profit, and political worlds, communicators create advertising, marketing, and public relations messages. Coupled with engaging graphic design, these messages introduce us to new products and services, encourage us to make a purchase, and inspire us to take action. In the broadcasting, Internet, and print media, you will find news.

BSSRO is planning ,Anchors and reporters, animators, graphic designers, webmasters, writers, and producers. You also will find sound and video technicians, printing machine operators, computer specialists, and a variety of related engineers and technicians. But did you know that the field includes telecommunication technicians; telecommunication equipment, cable, and line repairers/ installers; telecommunication computer programmers; and systems analysts. Also consider careers in the A/V

industry itself – careers for the technicians who handle sound, video, and data transmission for hotels, convention centres, theme parks, stadiums and museums, and major events.

Careers like these require intellectual curiosity; great language arts, design, and technical skills; and childhood training if you want to be a performer. Usually, they also require career and technical education, a certificate, and an associate or bachelor’s degree, depending on job requirements. So if you like to perform, write, express yourself visually, or handle the technology involved in arts and communications fields, this Career Cluster may be for you.

National Career Readiness Certificate

Graphic Designers Graphic designers create designs, concepts, and sample layouts based on knowledge of layout principles and aesthetics design concepts through the use of rough sketches, illustrations, and computer software and artwork. They also may manage design projects and oversee their organization, scheduling, and implementation.

The job requires:

  • Knowledge of design theory, techniques, tools, and principles involved in production of visual media and arts
  • Ability to use computer software to generate new images
  • Knowledge of media production, communicate.