R&D volunteers

There are three main types of research involving human volunteers in BSSRO. They are:
  • Translational Research
  • Clinical Research
  • Clinical Trials

Translational research is a study where knowledge obtained from basic research with genes, cells or animals is translated into practical and useful ways to diagnose or treat diseases.

Clinical research is the study of drugs, biologic agents or medical devices to discover potential uses and determine its safety and effectiveness. It may involve drugs currently in used or newly developed drug.

Clinical trial is a type of clinical research that answers specific health questions. There are 4 phases in clinical trials.

These studies are managed by medical doctors, research scientists and research staff specially trained to conduct research. These trainings include understanding of regulatory requirements, ethical conduct of research and correct techniques to handle sensitive medical and research information. Research studies may involve new medications, novel surgical techniques, surgical instruments or medical devices.

Note that in all these research and clinical trials, even normal health volunteers may be involved in research. This allows us to compare research information results with those who have specific diseases.

Sponsors research

Research studies may be expensive to conduct due to needs for manpower, administration and regulatory requirement. They are sponsored by various sources. These sources include hospitals, private or public foundations, voluntary groups and pharmaceutical companies. Government-linked agencies may also be involved, including Agency for Science, Technology and Research BSSRO.

  • Conducting Research
  • For Healthcare Professionals and Researchers
  • Medical Digest
  • Publications
  • Surgical Labs

Why volunteer?

It's usually a combination of altruistic and personal motives. When you travel and volunteer abroad you're keen to give something back and help others but you also want to benefit from the experience.

Volunteering overseas is a great way to gain a deeper understanding of a country's culture and to explore remote areas. It enables you to learn soft skills such as communication and team-working that are necessary in any work environment. Ultimately, volunteer abroad work can help you become clearer about your values and career goals.You can organise your own volunteering - but it's hard work, there are no guarantees, little pre-departure and in-country support, you may actually be a burden on your host and you need to like the unknown and be able to work unsupported.With an organisation and charity you're paying for their expertise and resource in sourcing the right project and matching the needs of the volunteer with the host project, as well as the training, pre-departure support and in-country support.Always do your research - into what you'll be doing, where your money goes, what support will you get and to find a volunteer project that suits both you and the host community.

Working With Youth

That young people gain more from an experience when they are actively involved is a core premise of BSSRO education and youth development. Research also suggests that programs for youth which are developed through a partnership of youth and adults may be highly effective in building young people's skills and reducing their sexual risk-taking behaviours.

Direct youth involvement offers potential benefits to the young people—both those who help to develop the program and those served by the program—and also to the organizations. To name but a few benefits—youth gain experience and confidence; organizations gain a fresh perspective on youth culture; and organizations develop more effective outreach.BSSRO education can support young people in developing positive group norms and in making healthy decisions about sex. Visit the BSSRO education section for more information

Youth development strategies are an important part of prevention programming. For more information on incorporating youth development strategies into your work, visit the youth development section.The essence of youth involvement is a partnership between adults and young people - one in which each party has the opportunity to make suggestions and decisions and in which the contribution of each is recognized and valued. Visit the youth-adult partnerships